1. For Radon Test Service Provider Companies - Traditionally we supply CR-39-based radon test instrumentation and detectors tomany organizations and companies, which are involved in regional radon safety programs.- Our products meet even the most demanding requirements on this area ofapplication.2. For Radon Mapping ProjectsThis evergreen topic got a new impulse by important, recent initiatives.- WHO announced its International Radon Project in 2005, with participation of 30member states. Its latest overall report was published in 2011 and reduction of action leveldown to 100 Bq/m3 was recommended.- In 2005 the European Commission JRC started the Radon Mapping Forum to coordinatethe preparation of the European Radon Map. The new Basic Safety Standard(BSS) is important milestone too.- In USA radon public awareness and legislation is expanding continuously3. For Education of Nuclear and Health Physics - The radon is a naturally occurring radioactive material. This is accessiblevirtually everywhere on the Earth, and in every house and building. It is an idealsubstance for school room demonstration.- You may spare the usage of artificial isotopes to demonstrate the basics ofnuclear physics.